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New infographic Trust in Media: More impact & ROI with ads in trusted media

New infographic Trust in Media: 
More impact & ROI with ads in trusted media

Magazine and news media are among the most trusted media. That's not just good news for engaged readers. Advertisers can also benefit from this as well because advertising campaigns in reliable media generate more impact and turnover. These are the most important insights from a desk research study by MMA and NDP Nieuwsmedia.

Download the new infographic.

Better results

Researchers from these Dutch branch organizations base their conclusions on over 25 media surveys from home and abroad. Trusted media such as magazine and news media drive advertising campaigns with better results. When using these media, the advertising brands get more exposure, a better reputation and more conversion.

In the second part of the desk research, the focus is on the better advertising results. The many sources studied in the project point in the same direction. The advertising brands achieve greater awareness and a better reputation within the trusted context. The conversion and turnover uplift are also significantly better.

Consumer cycle
Campaigns in magazine and news media have demonstrable added value for branding campaigns. The involvement of consumers increases and the advertising brand realizes a better brain position as well.

Trusted media have a lot of potential for brand building through advertising. Advertising in magazine and news media has a positive influence on likeability and price perception. Furthermore, these media channels strongly contribute to trust in the adverted brands. In addition, these media provide a stronger sales impulse. Magazine and news media can therefore play an important role in all stages of the consumer cycle; from attention, engagement and brand building to a better price perception and increased turnover.

About the platform Trust in Media
Trust in Media is an initiative of the Magazine Media Association (MMA) and NDP Nieuwsmedia. Numerous insights have been collected for the knowledge platform from studies on trust in media and its impact on advertising.

Insights can be found about target groups and recommendations for an effective media strategy. The platform includes white papers, blog posts, interviews, articles, and podcasts. is continuously updated based on newly available research and insights.

Read the findings from this desk research or view the highlights. You will find these in the new infographic.

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